
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2009

How to write a good essay

Would you like to learn how to write 500 words English essays? Maybe it has happened you that you have many topics and you do not know how to begin; or perhaps, once you have finished, you do not feel happy with your composition completely, do not you? Here I am going to give you the process about how to write an essay. That is: to know the good elements of good writing, prewriting techniques, to write an outline of your essay, to write your draft, and review and editing your draft. Applying the processes that we will see here, your future compositions become clear, neat and flowing. Elements of good writing: subject, purpose and audience Before beginning to write, you should choose your subject, purpose, and audience. I mean, the subject should be well known and understood for you in order to the composition do not be vague or weak. Regarding purpose to write, it should be focus either to entertainment, to inform, or to persuade because each one has variants in the content, vocabular...

Denunciemos la corrupción

25 de septiembre de 2009 Apreciable, Óscar: Te escribo para que me permitas realizar una reflexión contigo referente al último de tus acontecimientos, en donde fuiste timado y cómplice al mismo tiempo. El supuesto empleado de Sony que te hizo "el favor", por una corta lana, de hacerte válida la garantía vencida para la reparación de tu computadora es uno de los que gentilmente son llamados ladrones de cuello blanco. El pseudo empleado, el cual se disfraza de blanco cordero, suciamente se las ingenia para sacar ventaja de los beneficios que su empleador le otorga. Ese feroz lobo o astuto coyote, que de aquí en adelante me referiré al tal por cual como “infame chacal”, abusa de su puesto, privilegios y confianza que su patrón le confía para hurtar, tranzar, estafar, burlar, etc., etc., a cuanto inocente se le cruza en su pernicioso camino. Que importa si se trata de un conocido o un desconocido; de un compañero de trabajo o de un amigo; de un jefe o de u...

Greetings from Mars

Wow! I just got here and I can’t believe how incredible it is. First, the trip was very comfortable. It took the same time as San Francisco to New York by plane. The flying dish is wide, clean and light up with white shining ceilings. It was silent and you aren't aware you are movi ng. The crew was very polite and approachable. I had a productive talk with them about the stars and our Solar System. When the talk was in the most interesting point, we had already arrived L . Then, the space ship stood above the city for awhile in order to download the passengers to one small ship. The city is crowded with tall buildings and green people flying their personal ships everywhere. There are feelings you have to feel; for example, my weight is 20% less than Earth, so I can be awake and walking for more time. The days are longer than days in Earth, and there are two moons at night. Finally, as long as I am an engineer and I have heard that Mars has a complex hydraulic syste...

Mis lecturas favoritas

Rayuela, de Julio Cortazar , es una de las novelas que más trabajo me ha costado leer y que debo regresar a ella para terminar de entenderla --aunque tal vez no haya nada que entender sino simplemente leer a placer. Recuerdo algunos capítulos que me gustaron mucho. Capítulo 7. Toco tu boca. http://maxmartini.wordpress.com/2007/12/16/toco-tu-boca/ Capítulo 68. Lenguaje inventado por él: El Glíglico. http://www.juliocortazar.com.ar/cuentos/capi68.htm En la siguiente página puedes leer algo breve de Cortazar en donde está presente su ingenio e ironía. http://www.literatura.org/Cortazar/Instrucciones.html De Óscar de la Borbolla recomiendo a "Las Vocales Malditas" el cual es un pequeño libro con cinco cuentos, en donde cada uno está escrito con palabras que solo incluyen una vocal. Las Vocales Malditas. Cantata a Satanás. http://rubensada.blogspot.com/2008/07/cantata-satans-scar-de-la-borbolla.html De Calos Alberto Nacher , un cuento que está escrito con palabras que solo incluy...